

This page describes how your community can become a Florida Paddling Trails Blueway Community and what responsibilities that FPTA and you share in the Blueway Community effort.

First, community leaders meet with Florida Paddling Trails Association representatives and agree to the concept of the designation as a Florida Paddling Trail Blueway Community. The proposal is brought before the community's city or town council for approval. A proposed proclamation is provided by the Florida Paddling Trail Association. After the community issues the Proclamation, Memorandum of Understanding is signed which lists the responsibilities of each party such as the example below.

The Florida Paddling Trails Association will:

  • Work with the Blueway Community to achieve an official trail designation by the Florida Office of Greenways and Trails
  • Actively promote the Blueway Community as a destination through its website and other media
  • Assist in planning and preparation for a celebration of the designation in or near the Blueway Community
  • Offer outreach materials to the community such as brochures, newsletters, posters, and displays
  • Provide detailed information on paddling opportunities near the community, which can be reproduced and distributed to visitors to the Blueway Community
  • Provide periodic paddle events that depart from the Blueway Community
  • Provide Florida Paddling Trails Blueway Community decals to local businesses and civic buildings for display in their windows
  • Regularly monitor sections of the Blueway so that the casual paddler can easily locate and follow it
  • Make available metal signs with the Florida Paddling Trails Blueway Community logo for posting at entrances to the Blueway Community
The Blueway Community will: 
  • Become an FPTA member
  • Include the Florida Paddling Trails Blueway and the Florida Paddling Trails Association in their promotional materials
  • Make Florida Paddling Trails Blueway information available to the public at local visitor centers and/or Chamber of Commerce and provide space for a Florida Paddling Trails Association display or wall mounted poster
  • Work with local Florida Paddling Trail Association trail keepers to promote periodic paddles or events
  • Monitor the number of visitors who are seeking the Blueway Community as a destination for paddling
  • Attract businesses that support nature-based tourism such as outfitters, hostels and shuttling services and assure that Florida Paddling Trails Association maps and guides will be available from a business in town for visitors to purchase
  • Encourage local businesses to provide discounts on accommodations or special weekend packages for visitors who show their Florida Paddling Trails Association membership card
  • Assist in procuring procuring Blueway Community roadway signs at the entrance to the town as soon as possible after the issuance of the proclamation
  • Link from Blueway specific websites/web pages to the FPTA website
If you'd like to get started as a Florida Paddling Trails Blueway Community, please contact our President at Thank you!